Posts in Health
Gait - walking you through it

Walking would appear to anyone as being a simple action carried out by many people, every second of every day across the globe. For the average Joe, walking is simple. We learn to walk from a very young age, and then we don’t really have to think about doing it after that… Until something goes wrong with the body. Read on to find out more about the wonderful phenomena that gets us humans around from A to B.

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Melbourne Lockdown

Unfortunately with the updated COVID safe guidelines during this lockdown, we can only treat individuals who require 'essential clinical care'.

This means that routine/management care is not permitted.

Find out what the definition for “Essential clinical care” is

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Injury blog: Lateral ankle sprain (rolled ankle)

Let’s start at the beginning… Ligaments hold bone to bone. Two bones held together become a joint. Ligaments are responsible for providing a joint with stability (along with the muscles and tendons surrounding it), ensuring the bones of a joint do not move away from each other and dislocate. Ligaments are thick, strong bands of tissue that can withstand the majority of the large forces that run through our bodies when we move. Sometimes the force placed upon a ligament is too great for it to withstand, and this is when damage (or a sprain) occurs. Ligament sprains are generally categorised into the following grades:

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Facet lock

Hello readers! We hope you’ve had an enjoyable Christmas and sent 2020 off with the bang it deserved. We’re kicking things off with a blog about neck pain relating to small joints in our neck known as facet joints. Are you waking up to 2021 with a pain in your neck? You might have had one too many sleeps in the armchair over the festive period. And maybe the exercise dropped off a bit as focus changed to family get-togethers and binging in front of the TV after an exhausting year. Never fear, we’ve got your back (oops… we mean neck!)

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Covid-19 Update

Hey there everyone! We know everyone has been adjusting to the strange year we have had so far. As a community we have banded together to socially distance and try to “flatten the curve” and it is being reported that we are getting closer to winning. We know things have been changing swiftly over the last two months, so we just wanted to give you an update on how we are changing and adapting to keep your family and ours safe.

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