Melbourne Lockdown

Unfortunately with the updated COVID safe guidelines during this lockdown, we can only treat individuals who require 'essential clinical care'.

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This means that routine/management care is not permitted.

Essential clinical care is defined as:

    •    to prevent a significant change/deterioration in functional independence which would result in an escalation of care needs (e.g. an increase in frequency of treatment needed, an increased need for prescription medication due to a significant increase in pain, requirement for specialist input or review, an increase in care needs, and/or a substantial increase to anticipated recovery time associated with a delay in receiving services)

    •    to provide assessment and diagnostic services to clients / patients whose care have been delayed as a result of previous restrictions, with any further delay likely to result in deterioration in functional independence or adverse health outcomes (including access to diagnostic imaging services or assessment for prescription of assistive equipment and technology)

    •    to provide services that are essential as part of a broader plan of care with a medical practitioner (e.g. fitting a brace post-surgery)

    •    to provide services that are part of a conservative management plan to avoid or delay elective surgery (as agreed with treating team)

    •    to provide services immediately following elective surgery that prevent secondary complications or aid functional recovery (as agreed with treating team).


If you think you fall under this category, please call us on 0452 249 379, as we will need talk you through the criteria and be able to justify the scheduled treatment if audited. If it is not essential, we will need to reschedule your appointment to when it is safe to do so.

If you have an appointment booked in the coming weeks we will be calling you to check in and make some decisions. 

Keep staying safe and healthy!



