Posts in Lifestyle
Gait - walking you through it

Walking would appear to anyone as being a simple action carried out by many people, every second of every day across the globe. For the average Joe, walking is simple. We learn to walk from a very young age, and then we don’t really have to think about doing it after that… Until something goes wrong with the body. Read on to find out more about the wonderful phenomena that gets us humans around from A to B.

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Exercises to try in the New Year

We know many of you will be entering 2020 with the goal of getting fit and we salute you. It is never too late to do more for your health and there is no better time than a new year to make a fresh start. As part of your osteopathic treatment, we offer advice on how you can use exercise to better yourself, so we thought a short email on different exercises you could try this new year would be a worthwhile read. Now go and get your gym gear out, you’re going to need it!

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Osteo Arthritis: aging and your body

You might think that as people get older, they become less active and therefore are less likely to injure themselves. This may be true to a degree, especially once reaching retirement age, but the elderly population are generally an active population and are just as much at risk of injury as the next person. A 60-year-old person might not play footy or run around the basketball court as much as a teenager might, but they have other things to contend with - an ageing body with years of gradual degenerative change and weakening that we all experience at some point as we go through life. One of the most common causes of injury in the elderly is falling.

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Safety at Work

The great thing about Osteopathy is that it’s not just about ridding people of their pain. It is a way of life. Yes, people come to see us to get rid of pain, but once they are in our caring hands, our work doesn't stop there. We are huge advocates of ‘prevention is better than cure’. So, we will delve deep into your life - your diet, sleep patterns, hobbies, job and more. We look at you and your life as a complete package and will help you work out what areas need adjustments so you can live a long and healthy life (which is as pain-free as possible!).

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Why your Osteopath wants you to sleep

Did you know that sleep is good for you? You might be thinking well that’s obvious isn’t it? However, you might be surprised to hear that nearly 10% of the Australian adult population (that’s over 1.5 million people) suffer from some form of sleep disorder and are living with consistent, insufficient levels of sleep.

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Fatigue - When to worry

Experiencing tiredness is not uncommon for a lot of us. Many of us have busy lives, juggling family, work and staying active. It’s hard and it’s tiring. Our bodies are pretty resilient, but there will always be a point where the body needs a break, giving you a sign to slow down and step back. This often results in the BEST night's sleep of your life and you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for it to all begin again.

But are you experiencing an extreme tiredness that no amount of sleep seems to remedy? If this is the case, then you are possibly suffering from fatigue relating to a medical condition. There is every chance you are experiencing some other symptoms too. Luckily, we are about to educate you on some of the common causes of fatigue, so you know what to look out for, and can nip it in the bud quick time…

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The benefits of Chocolate . . . The DARK side of the Force!

We’ve all heard that chocolate has health benefits. That is true, but it depends on which chocolate. Unfortunately for you milk and white chocolate lovers (is white chocolate even chocolate?), this article focuses on the dark side of your cravings! Given it’s Easter month, we thought we’d take the opportunity to justify our chocolate love! Here’s our top three health benefits of dark chocolate:

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