Roadmap to Recovery - a Covid 19 Update

As of Friday the 22nd of October our clinic will return to routine care for all who require it. Here is what to expect at your next appointment:

Check Exposure Sites Before Arrival: Here is the list of current exposure sites we would appreciate you having a look prior to attending your appointment.

Fill out the COVID-Screen: sent in your text message/email reminder.

Wait outside until the time of your appointment: Please remain outside of the practice (in your car etc) until the time of your appointment. There is no need to call us prior to entry into the practice if you have an appointment.


QR Code Check in: please scan the QR code on your device and register your contact details, as required by the Department of Health and Human Services Victoria and to assist with contact tracing.

Voluntary disclosure of vaccination status: you will be asked to volunteer your vaccination status and consent to our reception team or your practitioner recording this into your medical file, however you do not need to disclose if you feel uncomfortable to do so.

Face Masks: Masks are required inside, so please make sure you have one with you on your next visit as you will be required to wear it inside and during your appointment. Please discuss any concerns with your practitioner. 

Thank you for familiarising yourself with the information on this page so you know what to expect from your visit.

If you have any sign of illness, infection, call us on 0452 249 379 to reschedule